Anticonvulsant Medication
Is there any other ways other than anti-convulsants that help with seizures that anyone has tried? I’m going to talk to a doctor about it, don’t worry. I’m just curious if there are any other ways other than medication because I hate the side-effects. I may just deal with it. I’m probably going to try Depakote.
Good quality fish oil , b vitamin shots and fibersupplements
Vegas Nerve Stimulater (VNS)
Small device implanted in your chest. I am still on meds also but seems to lesson the severity of my seizures.
i tried cbd oil and it works wonders for my seizures. i used to have a couple seizures a day. now its 1 kinda seizure a month or more. the keto diet is a good one too. i had that a while ago and i still have seizures but it was once a day or once every other day. the keto diet is a strict diet so forworning ya.
I’ve tried the ketogenic diet, cannibus oil and am about to go into an epilepsy monitoring unit for the second time. I keep trying different things and meds because I’m sure something will work.
My dad also had epilepsy and died of SUDEP. That’s my worst fear and it does cause me to sometimes get depressed but I have a wife and 2 daughters who are very very supportive.
I’ve had a Vagus Nerve Stimulator (VNS) and now have a Neurostimulator (RNS)
Is There A Specific AED That Works Best For Seizures Occurring In The Cerrebellum?
My Very 1st Was Low Sugar Related And O Feel Overly Tired As Well. My 2nd One Is The One I Don't Understand. I Went Out To Eat And Bam, Out
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