What's Best Diet To Help Control Seizures?
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member @A MyEpilepsyTeam Member we are off topic here. @A MyEpilepsyTeam Member said what diet should i used to control seizures. DavidAlexander said one thing. KetoJeff and i said another. thay are both right ways to do things. but let NathanielWright decide from DavidAlexander healthy foods, KetoJeff keto diet, or my keto diet turn into MAD diet. or NathanielWright can refuse all three of us and do something else like a southbeach diet (high-fiber, low-glycemic carbohydrates, unsaturated fats, and lean protein) or a paleo diet also known as the caveman diet (meat, fish, vegetables, and fruit).
I realized early that starches were contributing to my seizure sctivity.
Pasta and rice seem to be common triggers.
Carbs. Hmmm. The culprit. Unfortunately sugar too.
Ever notice what happen to children who have too much sugar?
It messes with the brain.
Ketogenic diets.
Was used before meds were invented.
Recent resurgence since the 1980's reintroduce by Johns Hopkins Research Medical Center and the Mayo clinic.
1/3 cured, 1/3 50-90 reduced seizures, 1/3 dropped off diet after a year. First used on children now developed for adults too.
Not for all types of epilepsy. Namely drug resistant Epilepsy.
What if all you had to do was change the way you eat?
I get it me to anything alternative to meds is what I lean to as most of whatever I use up in whole foods much is absorber but my meds so I have to turn to vitimans and supplementation.i don't really diet or look into what's the latest thing just research and what works for me and what my body has responded to by journaling everything down.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member i get it. i am a health nut to alternative meds. i suggest then go on the MAD thing (modified atkins diet). that way you can take your vitamins and do the diet thing. if you wanted to.
Ketogenic Diet, Does Anyone Follow This Treatment For Seizures, Or Even Just Try Low Glycemic Diets For Seizure Control?
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