Burnt Smell ONLY Symptom Of Focal Seizure
Hi All,
I have focal onset epilepsy and have only simple partial (focal) seizures. My usual symptoms are a general uncomfortable feeling, followed by a rise in my belly and pins and needles up and down my arms. I get very anxious and hot too and sometimes, my vision may go blurry. All in all i feel unwell for about 1 hour.
My last big focal started with a strong burning smell which lasted literally a second, immediately followed by an 'epigastric' rising.
For some time now, I will randomly… read more
it is called an aura 'almost seizure'. i call um spaceouts because i freeze and it looks like i am in my own little world. anyway my spaceouts sometimes starts with the smell. i sometimes smell burnt cooking or cleaning supplies. then i get the funny feeling from my legs to my brain. sometimes i cant think of the words or the words are there but i cant say um.
and did you know partials and focal are the same thing. idk when they change it but simple partials are now focal onset aware. complex partials are now focal onset impaired awareness. and they added i new classification called unknown onset. i was diagnosed with partials when i was in the mid 90s.
Never get a smell only visual things that arent there.
Some auras and focal seizures can cause a sensation of a smell. Often something burning. I've never experienced the burning smell, but I have experienced smells that were not there. Mine were sweet smells, kind of like a baking cake. I've only had it happen a few times. The first time it happened was really weird feeling!
Sometimes even in company i can seem to just zone out and stare at a space and think something is there. At first i thought i was going mad, and ppl would click there fingers at me and say hello hello im talking to you. This is the first text ive seen that doesnt make me feel crazy. Problem is though it doesnt say it in this text i actually so see things that i know aren't there but no one else sees.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member Yea I stopped asking people also. I know its me.
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I Was Wondering If Anyone Can Describe Exactly What Happens When They Have A Focal Aware Seizure.
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