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I Was Wondering If Anyone Can Describe Exactly What Happens When They Have A Focal Aware Seizure.

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Southampton, UK

I had a cluster of focal seizures yesterday afternoon. Well what I think are focal seizures. It's always my left arm and left leg that jerk, I feel like I'm in a dream like state almost. I'm aware but have this weird jerking in my left arm and left leg. I just feel bizarre when it's happening. I just take it easy after as I feel a bit tired and odd. I'm still getting my head around seizures as I kept them secret for so long as I just thought I was weird.

October 13, 2024
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A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I get those jerks often but mostly in my jaw which affects my speech. I am used to the dreamy state now and think of them as little breaks from reality or stress indicators and time to sleep or rest. Leveteracitam medication really helped with my jerks though.

October 14, 2024
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

ok, h have a youtube channel. link to partial seizires.
as for the coments... a cluster is just means a seizure after a seizure without a recovery time. recovery time is different from person to person. some take seconds, some takes minutes, and some need a nap or something.
i have 1-4 types in 1 seizure. i had to tell everyone cause the complex partials and the tc.
i had 2 diegnoses... 1 was the ideopathic epilepsy (idk seizures) and a re diegnosis of auto immune epilepsy (food seizures).
old drs and fresh outta med school drs are the scarryest. cause some old drs will retire in a few years and will not try new things. and the med school drs are inexperienced.

October 14, 2024
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

The way I describe it is your doing something then there is a space in time where you just unaware, You either stare blankly or keep doing what your doing but not aware then 30 seconds or up to a minute in my case you suddenly come back. Focal aware seizure are really hard to diagnose because a lot of times small things can happen during the seizure that can get them diagnosed as Focal unaware even if they feel like you're aware the whole time. Mine are diagnosed as unaware.

One way you can be classed as having focal aware seizures is if you get aruras from your meds. The auras are Technically classed as Focal aware seizures if the auras are diagnosed correctly.

October 13, 2024
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
During my Focal Impaired Awareness seizures I’ve stared, drooled, fell, shook, walked around, stomped my feet, etc.

October 16, 2024
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Lydia6, the dreamlike awareness of a partial temporal lobe seizure seems to descend on me, as my field of vision shrinks. I used to always have a ringing in my ear when I was younger, but now it usually is commonly preceded by a weird smell or taste, and sometimes a twitching. After the dreamlike state gets stronger, that’s usually when I lose awareness, and even though my body remains in the same place, I lose the ability to control it for a while. When I come back to awareness, I won’t remember anything that happened during and often just before it started. Sometimes it can take so long to feel average again, I may forget that, too.

In terms of tremors, mine started on the left arm and face, usually just before an event. But over the years I’ve developed what they call an essential tremor, which means I can’t stop the left side of my torso from shaking. But I don’t think it’s because of the temporal seizures. I hope that helps give you an example of another survivor’s experiences. Best wishes, and stay strong!

October 15, 2024
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A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Southampton, UK

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A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Piedmont, CA

Are The Deja Vu Sensations A Seizure?

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Southampton, UK
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