Mesial Temporal Sclerosis With Focal Dyscognitive Seizures
Hi. I have been following your comments for a while, but up to now, I have been rather hesitant to ask for help.
My Husband was diagnosed with mesial temporal sclerosis at the age of 41. He suffers form FOCAL DYSCOGNITIVE SEIZURES (complex partial). Anybody out there with some advice?
Complex Partial Seizures fall in 2 different categories.
1 . There are the people who are conscious and alert , when seizuring.
2 . Then there are others, like myself, who are conscious but don’t realize when we’re havinga Seizure.
My seizures today are mild to moderate. Sometimes I may seizure in my sleep. The sphere that my seizures are active, is my left Temporal Lobe. My speech,language and memory center are also located on That side. Because of that , I vocalize during the seizures..
What things are you experiencing with him and his seizures ? Do they last long or are they short seizures ? Does he have seizure clusters ( goes through one seizure and comes out, shortly after he goes into another seizure. ) ? Need to know something about meds and side effects ?
Hope the little bit I said, helps
Mesial Temporal Sclerosis With Focal Dyscognitive Seizures
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Does Anyone Have Focal Awareness Seizures And How Has It Effect Your Life?