Does Anyone Ever Feel Like Others Really Don't Understand Everything Thapeople Don't Understand?.
Does anyone ever feel like others really don't understand what goes through your mind during and after the seizure? And the anxiety of wondering when the next one will be? My performance at work has been suffering but i really don't think my employer fully understands the mental fog and memory issues. Its so frustrating. It's not like i chose to live this way
Of course they don't understand. Sadly, they never will. I have epilepsy and I don't understand yours. The taste of an apple is different to everyone. It's special to you. The only way they may be able to understand to the best if their ability is if you speak with them openly. It can be frustrating and feel like you're banging your head against a wall. I definitely understand that feeling but most people do empathise if you talk to them. The ones that dont aren't worth your time anyway 😁.
YES. When I had 4 tonic clonic seizures one day, I continued to go through my college courses like normal. I had professors ask me what was wrong with me, if I was stupid, etc. After having a seizures, it is like you can think of something you want to say but can't spit it out. Only other epileptics would understand this. It is emotionally, and intellectually exhausting after having seizures.
Yes people dont know or understand whats its like having ep and no one will never know how we feel besides us and people with ep unless there in our shoes
Absolutely, however, you too can and will conquer this. You may just have to figure out what you need to do at work to create a work around, i.e. are there times/hours that work best for you or you are at your best? Schedule required meetings during that time. Let the team around you know what you deal with, so that you can convey what you need to in ways they can understand. It can take a LONG time to get back from a seizure, so you have to be patient with yourself and with others because they don't understand. Stay strong!
Yes but some people are seeing with their own eyes what my body goes though during a seizure,
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