Does Anyone Else Not Seem To Be Affected By Alcohol?
I've had juvenile myoclonoic epilepsy for about 4 years now and have only had 2 grand mal seizures. I take 200 mg of lamotrigine daily, but was previously on 1250 mg of valproic acid. When I was first diagnosed, my neurologist said she'd only recommend having 2 drinks max. I'm in university right now and the temptation to drink is very high. I have been getting pretty drunk going out partying, including nights where i have about 13 drinks (I'm 200 lbs). I have been fine in the morning… read more
I can go to a party or bar hopping and not get myself wasted. If I do drink , I may get one glass of alcohol. Otherwise I will drink virgin mix drinks or soda.
i was diagnosed at 17 with grand mals & thats a difficult time to start but as i was settled on a regimin i went out drinking like nothing was wrong with me. granted i was careful on my intake & what i all drank as well as what i mixed but i made sure my friends knew incase i did have 1. every med tells you not to drink but as long as your careful & smart you shouldnt run into any issues. i know at that age & stage in life its difficult but since this is a serious duffucult condition you have to take that into consideration. dont let it take over your life but know you have it & know what your limits are & what will & cause 1 hope that helps
Sure doesn't bother me! Party on. My Dr. Knows I'm a party animal.
I rarely drink now, but did in my 20s for awhile. With my meds, one drink has double the alcoholic effect on me. A couple of times I had too much and paid dearly for it...had a seizure and a nasty hangover. Can you imagine having the after effects of both on the same day? Not an experience I ever want to repeat! Please be careful.
I've partied before when I first found out I had epilepsy. Most times it didn't affect me but sometime it did. My advice to you is don't risk it. I've had many granmal seizures from tbe time I was 16 till now, I'm going to be 25 in April. Your health should be more important then a couple of drinks.
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