Could The Jolts Be A Sign Of Mini Tonic-clonic Seizures?
Is there any such thing like that? Does anyone know? Im tired of it and its driving me crazy. Im scared its gonna get in the way of my work life and insurance to help me. .
no. it probably an aura or something like that. i have complex partials into generalized grand mals (focal onset impaired awareness into tonic clonics). first i have an aura, then partial, then grand mals. there is more than 1 type of seizure. this may help.
I have absence seizures, and they also diagnosed me with having solar ray something something, anyway it depends on how the rays reflect. So overcast days are normally worse for me. They cause the jolting, if I wear sunglasses when I am outside it helps. I work in an office and I don't ever have them while I am indoors. I can get them when I first walk outside, I have had people look around thinking I was dodging a bee before... LOL.. So I would say you are experiencing something similar. I have had them since I was a teen that I can recall... I am now 47..
They're probably just muscle spasms. Most likely not part of a seizure, a lot of epileptics get them. I used to get them in my legs. Could be part of your condition or a reaction to medication. Best to talk to your neurologist about it. And mini tonic clonics aren't a thing.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member that is any awesome chart, thank you for posting that
I hope they dont get in the way of your life. They can be annoying
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