Seizures Or Rage?
Sometimes Im "triggered" into a disassociated seizure of screaming, braking things, convulsions and then falling asleep for 1 hour or 2 then... Waking up, still disassociated for a min(not knowing day, month, town, room), then get up and forgot what happend.
A seizure when awake but not aware similar to sleepwalking but yours are too intense if knocked out after. Tell Dr to help avoid future ones. The rage is due to emotions riled from rush of hormones to our brain from seizure. Reactions vary like our dreams but yours are extreme, seizure not controlled nuff. Please make sure Dr knows.
Sound like your seizure activities are in those areas of your brain, that operates you behaviors/ emotions, confusion , along with your Convulsions . After a powerful seizure you get knock out into sleep. When you wake back up , you’re still confused. So you don’t know, where you’re at ,the day, time nor date.
I’ve been through those events myself , during my teens thru early adulthood. Although I don’t remember anyone mentioning anything about changes in my behavior or emotions.
depense... do you take mood swings meds like keppra (or keppra generic levetiracetam) then maybe... but i am leaning to seizures... more pasificly complex partia (focal onset umpaired awareness) into tonic and/or clonic seizures.
i say this cause i have in order 2 simple partial (inner and then outer), complex partials, and then tonic-clonic. tonic means you stiffen up... clonic is jerking and relax. atonic is loss of partial (part of) your body or all of your body. it could be a complex partial and the recovery time is rest... then when you are asleep you have noctunal simple or complex partial seizures and woke up.
if you have meds mood swings that are brand spanken new... then call your dr.
if you have complex into tonic and/or clonic or aclonic... get records... if you have or think you are having that seizure... record it.
if you have partials and when sleeping you have another seizure... record it.
Meaning that I don’t know if I scared anyone.
I don’t scare anyone but I can be nasty and not remember anything. At least I don’t think I scare anyone
Partial Seizures?
Does Anyone Else...