Does Anyone Have General Seizure Having Seizures In Both Sides Of Their Brain Rather Than Just 1 Side? Plus More Than 1 Type Of Seizure
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member that’s what my boyfriend says. Except I only know when I am going to have a grand mal because my body gets a tingling feeling and I end up having the seizure 15-20 seconds later. But the seizure lasts up to 2-5 minutes
I do I don't always know when I'm going to have a seizure and for what my daughter, and friend say it is different type of seizures also
This is a very good question since there are many parts to the brain. They are as follows: corpus callosum, temporal lobe, frontal lobe, amygdala, hippocampus, parietal lobe, and occipital lobe. I haven't ever been told what part of the brain and if it's more than one side. The last EEG I did for myself was back in August of this year. When I went for a follow-up appointment the neurologist didn't make any sense because he stated I was having seizures around my head. This could mean many places and to me the neurologist didn't speak English properly. I see a different neurologist next year in March. I do have both types of seizures which are grand mal and petit mal.
I agree with you on everything you said RichardJIMpompaJr. I have a mix of seizures, without warning.
I have all of those plus absence seizures and I seize in my sleep.
Are the medications you are on help decrease any of those?
Can People Have 2 Types Of Seizures?
Is Having Speech Difficulties Signs Of Having A Seizure? Or Is It Side-effects From Medications?
What Type Of Seizure Is This?