Are You Willing To Do Whatever Is Necessary To Help New Members Feel Comfortable And Quickly Have A Team Of Many?
I ask this because the site owners and techs are not able to provide an additional search option to search for New Members. And there have been too many New Members over the years who have come once or a few times and gotten frustrated and left because they do not get the true benefit of being embraced by a large enough team to not only make them feel welcome but also be able to provide answers and often personal experience regarding any related to seizures (types, symptoms, auras, side… read more
Another point John is while we all have similar conditions none of us are doctors or neurologists so the advice given should be taken with a pinch of salt.
I like to feel I am helping everyone I can when I can so I do what ever I can and do my best.
I’m alway telling how great it is being on this site
I do like to give feedback, and receive it as well. I try to pass on whatever i learn at my support group as well.
Those of us who have Epilepsy must do our duty to help others who have
just been diagnosed or who have questions about what will help make thier lives easier. I've had Epilepsy for fifty nine years, sincee I was six years of age.
Yes, that makes me sixty five !!!!
Yes, it wasn't easy to learn with Epilepsy, I've had some pitfalls but have also
had some major achievements. I found what I call my "Miracle drug" after having my first GrandMAL at age 15~ The drug was Tegretol, then experimental in the United States. Had my first GrandMAL at age 15 in 1969.
Just adding Tegretol to my other medications stopped any seizures cold.
Didn't have another till a Neurologist at Columbia Prestberiyan took me off of
it in 1986, fearing liver damage.
I warned her "don't do it you'll be sorry" She promised "You won't have seizures
I'll give you something that will prevent them" WRONG WRONG WRONG !!!
I went from zero GrandMALS to 9 aday for 1 full week !!!!
What saved me was a call to my then insurance agent. His wife had Epilepsy.
I asked for her doctor's name/telephone number saying I needed it ASAP !
That was 43 years ago and thanks to Dr. Jeffrey T. Kessler who saved my life
by putting me back on Tegretol I'm GrandMAL seizure Free.
Do You Feel Uncomfortable Telling People You Have Epilepsy?
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