Rare Epilepform Spike?
What does a "rare epilepform spike mean?
I am sorry I am having difficulty spelling today.
'Epileptiform transients such as spikes and sharp waves are the interictal marker of a patient with epilepsy and are the EEG signature of a seizure focus.'
transients means voltage or frequency on a eeg test. Interictal means period between seizures on an eeg test.
so i think there is a rare form of something inbetween your seizures. that is my guess by quickly studying epilepform spike.
After Having Temporal Lobectomy Surgery And The Seizures To Move To The Other Side Of The Brain And Start Over There?
Sorry For The Delay But When I Went To App My Doc Said He Saw Spikes On My EEG. My Others Before Were All Normal.
EEG Results, Scared For What It Means