Dentist Treatment
So yesterday I went to my dentist for a regular check up. The dentist has now become part of a chain and has lost that personal care. I was there a few minutes, they asked me did I brush my teeth and have I had any problems. They charged me 40 pounds for the privilege. They didn't ask what medication I was on and had it changed or had I had any seizures recently (even though I have bruising on my arms visible from the last one). Has anyone else experienced lack of personal care with their… read more
Thats not good with your dentist Daryl, my dentist has been excellent with me because my seizures have damaged my teeth badly my dentist has filled and adjusted my teeth in a way so that my seizures can't do anymore damage to them.
I've been to the dentist a few times now... He's been great and I always give him an update on the medications I take for his records. He knows I have epilepsy, is very caring and asks regularly whether I'm okay during any procedure... He also knows I have osteoporosis and constantly updates my records! My procedure is also covered by NHS which is a great service!
I have been to the dentists recently and they are aware that I suffer from epilepsy and the dentist usually asks if the medication I'm on is working? When was the last seizure I had? etc.... But that day I actually had an absence seizure while I was waiting for the dental student to get all the equipment ready that she needed! Most people don't realise that other types of seizures can be totally different than grand mal. The majority aren't of turns aren't just falling seizures but most people assume that they are? So the dentists just phoned in an ambulance for me? I was just staring around, looking very confused for about 15 mins or more and not answering their questions correctly!
I have had seizures at dentists before and they are supposed to ask what medication you are on incase they have to give injections or give you medication.
Just with the hospital’s and law enforcement officers and ya have kindly help them out with notes and outlines short and brief and make them read it. I have had them try not to follow my medication and add different medication that would cause harm because of the rush of getting through and their lack of knowledge of seizures and side effects.
Looking For Information About Food Triggered Seizures
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