Do Pseudo Seizures Have Auras?
Sitting on my bed i get a strange but familiar feeling in my head. Its an aura i guess but for my epilepsy or my puedo seizures? I dont know. I was wondering if puedo seizures could have an aura?
True.And psycho therapy helps as well.Like I said Epilepsy and Pseudo Seizures go together just like love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage..
Yes pseudo seizures have auras at least mine do anyway.
i think so. i mean this could happen. auras has no favorites.
It gets mistaken as as being fake cuz the medical term pseudo means fake as in false seizure.
No pseudo seizures are not fake.They are stress induced.Look up Epilepsy Foundation.And Google Pseudo Seizures.
Seizure “auras”
Has Anyone Heard Of Pseudo Seizures?
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