Has anyone ever had an aura but not have a seizure? I normally get an aura before my seizures (Grand Mal). But sometimes I don't have a seizure after the aura.
That happens w me some. Just get that strange feeling but you're able to fight it off before anything occurs. I think in my case it could just be stress that's a trigger. I've been going over a book about how cognitive behavior therapy works because some studies show it can help w both epileptic and non epileptic events. 😊
very common I've been told and I have experience the same then again we could be missing an absent. My nuerologist 6mths ago told me that half the time I wouldn't even realise that I actually had one
Yeah mine are entirely seperate, and im fully aware during my auras, they only last about 30 seconds, hut i try to stop what im doing, but if i cant i am able to continue whatever it is im doing. The absents, which just recently started again are very random, but i havent had any since starting Vimpat 2 and a half weeks ago.
I get very small seizures (auras) and it first last long so I can find somewhere safe before I take a seizure or get home and sometimes the small seizures that lasts for about a minute or a big seizure comes sometimes it doesn’t come until an hour later or not at not which is frustrating sometimes I just go straight into a seizure without a warning which I was told an aura was when I was first diagnosed it was then explained to me it was part of the seizure which means a very small seizure x x
I always had auras after i was put on medication until recently, but id stay fully aware during them, and when i started havinng them recently id notice if i had one after, because i didnt have an aura first, it was either an aura with no absent or an absent with no aura. And i could have up to 5-6 auras daily or none at all. And i could have 9-10 auras a week versus 0-3 absents a week. I was switched to vimpat 2 weeks ago though and ive had none since.
Does Having An Aura But Not Having A Full Seizure Count As Staying Seizure Free?
Do You Have Auras? Are They Always The Same Or Is It Different Each Time?
I Have Questions That Hopefully Some Of You.