What Do You Think Of Group Homes When You Have Epilepsy?Do You Think There Trustworthy/helpful?
A group home may be the place depending on how bad your seizures are at this time. However if you really want your independence then get an emergency alert monitor and live in an apartment. Group homes may have curfews to where you need to be in by 8 or 9 pm. Some state be back for dinner and you can't go back out that evening or night. With your own apartment you can choose what to do whenever!
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member i do not like the group homes because you do not know what you are gonna get. the homes itself are good to awesome. it's just... when i was searching for a disability group home (years to decades ago), it was people that are severely disabled. but i live in a small town and there are only 1-2 group homes within my area.
I agree with Peter
Independance is freedom.
Being told how you must live
can feel like imprisonment and being housed with severely disabled people is very hard on your self worth.
It's a perfect recipe for an unnecessary deep depression
that can simply invoIve unnecessary medicating.
It is also next to impossible to get out of once you've been diagnosed as needing to be put in.
Please consider this very carefully.
It does however depend on the severity of the epilepsy and your situation.
I have always been independent as Rudolph said with Hermie. I would not be able to go to the mall alone or go to the corner 7-eleven without staff. To me it would be babysitting me. That is why I always had my own apartment . NOW if your seizures are rapid and for your own safety you need a group home then do so till you grow out of them or they become under control. I am speaking with now 55 years experience.
Ok thanks
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