Seizures And Sleep
I have had epilepsy since I was 14 and I haven’t had a grand mal for about four years, I now just have partial seizures, but I was taking a nap when the big seizure happened and all I remember was waking up in the hospital. Ever since then every time I have partial seizures I am always scared to sleep because I’m scared I’m going to wake up in the hospital again. This week was especially rough with my epilepsy, I was unable to work for four days due to the ways my partial seizures affected me… read more
Before I used to drink coffee everyday, but I didn't know that it causes seizures so I drink tea more now. I still drink coffee but not as much, but that's fine.
I've had seizures for years but one thing I want to ask is What triggers seizures we have while we are asleep?
Hi I've got 3-4 types of seizures (since I was 15 months old) & one of those is Nocturnal Seizures (in my sleep). Plus I've got Generalised Temperal Lobe seizures & another type which makes you look like you're starring at something or daydreaming.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member they always say how there are so many things that are bad for epileptics. I been drinking coffee for the past 43 years. When I get a moco, i pay $0.60 for extra. Just like they say do not listen to meditation and hypnosis if you have seizures. I listen to it almost every night.
Just explain that the Rosmary and other essential oils are not helpful, that it is in fact doing harm. How old is he?
How Do You Know You Have Had A Seizure In Your Sleep If You Don't Wake Up Or Have Any Other Signs?
Does The Daytime And Night Time Have A Effect On You And Your Or Our Conditions We Have, And Which Do You Prefer? And What Are Your Thoughts
I Had A Seizure A Week Ago. Since I Have Been Very Tired And Sleeping Very Heavily. Does Anybody Find That They Are Very Sleepy Afterwards.