I Would Like To Know If Red Bull Energy Drinks Are Safe To Drink.
My brother told me that he read an article in the newspaper that Red Bull energy drinks not safe for people with epilepsy. Is that true?
Do not drink red bull it's seriously was the seizures besides raising blood pressure interfering with the heart after a while and other things physically. There's a page that shows all the bad side effects online and is illegal in Europe.
You can get seizures from high energy drinks!
I would say no when I drink any drinks with high caffeine I always have seizures
I been drinking pepsi my hold life and not diet either and never had a problem
Stay away from energy drinks. Caffeine is bad for seizures, and this stuff is loaded!
Has Anyone Tried Or Seen Any Research On GLP-1 Meds And Epilepsy? GLP-1 Is Currently Used For Weight Loss But Also Many Neuro Disorders.
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