Going To The Eye Doctor With Photo Sensativity
I am photosensative. Even a flashlight, or headlight in the eye can cause a seizure. I have to go to the eye doctor, which in the past has used lights and what not. Has anyone else who is photosensative have any issues when they go to the eye doctors?
I have the same reaction and my optician knows that Im light sensitive especially my left eye. I have optical neuropathy due to B vitamin deficiency. I have metabolic issues and always become very light sensitive when I am going into metabolic crisis. My optician dims the lights which enables me to have an eye exam.
I have found that a stat dose of Buccolam is beneficial for me pre travel and eye exam something you could discuss with your Dr.
B12, folate, thiamine and niacin deficiency can be a causation of light sensitive triggered seizures as can high sodium levels.
Obviously everyone is different and why I always advice talking to your Dr and getting copies of your bloods. You can have a normal serum B12 level and still be deficient. Urine MMA is the most accurate way to clarify true active B12 levels. HoloTC and homocystiene blood test as well as red cell width.
It's also worth looking at the cells under a slide.
B12, folate, thiamine and niacin deficiency can seizures. IV Pabrinex infusion can be beneficial for some forms of epilepsy but for me it's equivalent to superman's kryptonite.
What Are Your Thoughts On Your Vision, I Don't Think I Have My 20/20 Vision I Used To, A Stage Lower, I Think It's Age And My Condition Etc,
Has Anyone Ever Heard Of Anti Seizure Glasses Before?
Well Had X-rays Done On My Neck To See What Is Causing My Symptoms. Well They Came Back As Normal. Haven’t Felt This For Quite Some Time