I Have A Question For Women …. Does Going Thru Menopause Make Your Seizures Feel Worse?
My seizures have been a lot stronger being peri menopausal. I sooo want that to end.
My partials were already out of control peri menopause but they happened ,say ,once every 3 months.I needed a uterine ablation so menopause was about 49 They became more frequent after this
Yes it did happen for Me..It was awful 😞
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member , About 4 weeks or so give or take my Mom told me I was probably starting to go through menopause because the night before I was trying to sleep & kept getting hot off & on. It’s been hot flashes 24/7 off & on every day ever since & they’re awful! They interrupt my sleep. I’ve gotten to where I take an ice pack with me to bed & I have it there if I want it. In October I missed my first monthly cycle ever. My seizures aren’t as frequent or severe as some peoples however I don’t always know I’ve had a seizure unless I notice something is odd or someone witnesses it like my Mom or stepdad who I still live at home with. So I can’t say my seizures have gotten worse but I can say I’m loosing sleep no thanks to these hot flashes at night. I plan to look into seeing an OBGYN & hopefully I can get some medicine to help me through this stuff that won’t irritate my stomach cause I think the Estroven irritated my stomach. Praying your seizures calm down as well as your peri menopause. Your friend in Texas, Becky
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I Read About Menstrual Cycles Causing Some Seizures. I Wonder If Menopause Can Trigger Seizures. I Wasn't Diagnosed Until I Was 45 Years Ol