Abnormal Growth Rate & Epilepsy , Is There A Link?
Anyone know of a growth hormone problem being a cause/trigger for epilepsy?
I myself remember those days going through puberty and my seizures increased some . Actually a lot . There were quite a few changes in medications around that time, trying to get my seizures under control .
I am going thru menopause and my seizures are not under control. i've had epilepsy since age 6. i noticed a change even when i was going thru peri menopause.i have lots of auras and feeling "weird". this can last for a full day, sometimes even longer. i talked to my neuro and she said that menopause does not cause women to start having seizures....no duh, that wasnt my question. she did say that "change of life" can cause the seizures to be worse.so she added another seizure med. now i am taking depakote and keppra. i have been on almost any kind there is on the market. my body is really sensitive to seizure meds so i told her to start me on a low dose. i don't remember my seizures being worse when i was going thru pubertyyy but that is a change in life too. in my opinion if it happens in menopause, then it can happen in puberty. i've adjusted my diet too. hardly any processed foods and nothing fake including sugar. good luck to you..i know its hard and sorry if i got off subject.
No sorry
Thankyou all for your replies. My daughter is 6yrs old (the size of a 9 year old) , she started growing armpit hairs at 4 yrs old they were really fine blonde ones (my daughter is mixed race) there wasnt many and as they were fine i didnt think to mention that to anyone but a few months ago i notice she had more and the were darker so i mentioned this to her neurologist he daid as they were fine and downy and didnt have any down below wasnt much to worry about but theyll keep an eye on it as iyrs is usually the absolute minimum age for growing pubic hairs but since then theyve got thicker and darker and now has dark thick downstairs , 6 weeks ago she had her worst episode of multiple seizures , i looked at a map of the brain and the growth hormone of the brain is right ontop of where her type of seizures start (which is why i asked the question) since i posted this question last week she had some bloods taken for all kinds of hormone checks , thyroid etc , a list of 21 things being tested .
Sorry I meant to say at that time of month my seizures are at their worst....
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