I Thought I Had A Mini-stroke Toast Burning...Woke With Worst Hangover Feeling. Unrelenting, Lasted 5 Days. Sound Familiar To Anyone?
Please share this with your Dr!! Do you mean you smelled/tasted toast burning? The hangover feeling sounds like a very intense post-ictal state after a seizure, but it would have been a very uncontrolled, maybe even a cluster of seizures. Please tell your Doctor all of it, though. He/she might want to run some tests.
I wish you the best and hope you feel better soon… K.
I have had that feeling of being hungover but it only lasts about a day. I too thought I was having a stroke but no burnt toast smell . I had a mini stroke that affected one eye but didn’t notice a thing except blurred vision in one eye. It wasn’t on one of those days that I had the hangover feeling or a seizure though.
L2…. You never have to apologize for being confused, afraid, angry, sad, or any other emotion during or after a seizure when you’re on this site. If we’re reading your post, chances are we’ve been there ourselves. But seriously now, your response to my first post sounds an awful lot like how I would feel when I had more than one complex partial over the course of a couple of days, when I’d remain partially awake through part or all of it. It does sound like a series—or what they call a ‘cluster’ of seizures, and they are nothing like an individual event.
I really hope you feel better soon, just take things slowly and intentionally, and don’t be afraid to reach out if you need to vent!
Yes I mainly have them falling asleep or waking and found if am over tired
The most vulnerable time for seizures is when you are falling asleep, of waking up. Sounds like you are having them in your sleep, injuring yourself, and don't remember. I've broken ribs many times like that, falling out of bed, etc.
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