Can Seizures Or Seizure Medicine Cause Balance Issues (ie Walking Foot To Foot In A Straight Line)
Yes . Plus , if you take too much Seizure meds ( or the Dr increases your doseage , (making you off balance) , You need to let her or him know so they can adjust it and get it to your proper level so it controls your Seizures without Over Medicating you like you're "HIGH". Know what I mean?
Talk to the Dr. It's important to get it adjusted to the levels your system and brain needs.
Curtis. Jones.
Yes, Keppra is the culprit for me. Never had this issue prior to the big K. Please be careful carrying things while going down stairways, especially if the stairs don't have hand rails.
I had encephalitis brain damage on the right side in 2015 then in 2018 all went wrong then gave put me on Lamotrigine the first month I told wife this going to be epileptic I just put up with it for 5 years shaking all the tripping
balance eye movement falling down legs and arms would stiffen up can't move. what the lamotrigine does to my brain I don't like drug used to prevent and control seizures. It is believed to work in cases of epilepsy by inhibiting nerve signals in the brain.
Take the b12 with your meds. Thats what i meant lol best of luck!
Yes there are meds out there that have side effects of balancing. But our Seizures can do the same.
Are Balance Issues A Side Effect From Medication Or The Actual Seizures?
Pins And Needles
What’s Everyone’s Balance Like With Epilepsy.