During The Last Year My Seizures Seemed To Have Increased. What Are The Most Common Epiletic Seizure Triggers?
Stress, anxiety and sleep for me. When I go in for long-term EEGs, those are what they try to implement.
The common Seizure Triggers are……..
1. Lack of sleep
2. Late on Meds
3. Stress / anxiety
4. Alcohol / caffeine
5. Strobe light effects ( strobe lights of course, video games, tv and all computer formats)
Those are the top seizure triggers.
Totally to all of this. In addition to what’s been mentioned above, caffeine triggers me. Others are triggered by heat or alcohol.
Diet can also play a role in your triggers also.
Do You Find Seizures Are Linked To Your Emotions?
Anyone Know Anyone Where Their Seizures Are Stress Induced Vs Epilepsy?
Has Anyone Show Good (large ) Seizure Results During Meditation Reduction For Inpatient EEG?