Need ATTORNEY To Appeal My SSI To Well Deserved SSDI Due To Work Credit History
I inquired to SSA why I didn't qualify for SSDI. I was informed that I didn't have enough work credit in my PAST 10 year work history. I asked if they could start before I got sick since the PAST 7 years was sick/unemployed working trying to GET DISABILITY. She informed me that I could appeal but I would lose my current SSI. I'm looking for an Attorney that would Fight this.
Praying for you in the meantime time
Thank you, I will. Seems that's all I have to do now is Fight and Wait on everything.
Right now I get my pension but had to get a lawyer to get disability and I got one leg epilepsy autoimmune cancer missing portions of my lungs. The government didn't want to pay me my disability but would my pension. And all that is going on. So get a lawyer or attorney and keep fighting is my advice they back date. For a bit. It helps with the bills.
Keep fighting it takes a while
Huh I'm confused about all this stuff why I got a lawyer.
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