Can MEN Have Seizures Affected Due To Hormones Too?
All I ever hear when anyone on any site talks about seizures & hormones, it's always all about women. Does anyone know if men's hormones can go haywire & cause seizures too? Considering the timing of when mine started up again (about 16 or 17), I'm curious if this may be the problem, but that no doctor ever bothered to question. What would be the best doctor to ask on this theory? Should a G.P. have this info. or do you have to ask a neurologist or someone else special?
Testosterone is anticonvulsant estrogen is a convulsant
Margery, thats just not true. Ill put it another way low testosterone can cause seizures in men high oestrogen can cause seizures in women. This is why womens period cycle (when oestrogen is high) increases seizures. Neither is it that men have just one women have just the other, we have both. You can drill down in to what those levels of high & low are. But they arent equivalent & "the same" in regards to seizures. Thats pretty clear by the period cycle.
This is a good question. I have an over production of testosterone do to an autoimmune cancer. So I wonder the same thing.
No idea. I know it happens with women but not sure about men.
I would say an endocrinologist, and your neurologist. You can also go to the Epilepsy Foundation website and look it up, or search the two topics together. I would think so because I’ve heard many people say epilepsy returned in their teens, both men and women, and that would be the common denominator. But a GP would probably not know this information. I wish you good luck in your quest and hope you have a seizure free weekeend!…
Only Women Will Understand!!
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