Any Other Ladies Struggle With Sleep In Menopause As I Do And This Can Affect My Seizures..any Suggestions??
I also cannot take HRT-my neuro..said no.
I’m 52 and I totally agree-it’s rough
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member , I saw my Family Doctor who put me on Progesterone & Estradiol in the pill form but after a couple weeks I began having stomach pains & so I stopped the medication. Then a few weeks ago I saw a Gynecologist & she put me on Progesterone & also Estradiol But with the Estradiol she said many experience stomach problems with those meds & so she gave me the Estradiol in a patch form that I put just below my back & wear each patch for a week & then put a new one on & I haven’t had any stomach issues like I did with the pill form. So I don’t know if those are the types of meds that you can’t take but they’ve seemed to help me sleep better. I strongly recommend you see a Gynecologist & visit with them & let them know what’s going on & what you can’t take. I hope you can find something that will work for you because I was right there with you as far as worrying about not getting enough sleep due to the hot flashes & the possibility of a seizure coming. But maybe a gynecologist could help. Good luck. Your friend in Texas, Becky
I can't take hormone meds. I don't need them
My gyno told me to try them. They madee mean. She said that meant zi didn't need them and to get off of them so I did.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member, I have had that problem for a long time, I can't take HRT cause it interacts with phenytoin, have you tried taking HRT? To help you with your hormones, Take care 🙏
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