For All The Ladies
Before menopause, all my seizures were one to two days before or after starting my period and mid-day. Now that I am menopausal my seizures have been at night. Has anyone had a change in their seizure activity post-menopause?
I found it interesting reading what all the ladies were saying as us men, go through what's called, "Andropause," the male equivalent of Menopause.
I'm 73, and what changed for me are my auras. Instead of getting a slow, gradual buildup, even over a period of a 2-3 days, I now only get a few seconds warning before the seizure. When I mentioned this to my neurologist, he said, that it's "normal as you get older, your aura's change." That came as a shock to me and then again, it was 2 years ago, August 2022, when I was driving, that this happened for the first time, and I crashed and wrote my car off. I haven't driven again since, and at the time, I was medically cleared to drive - I drove for 23 years. Not anymore, I don't think!
My Menopause ended almost 25 yrs ago & I do have somewhat of seizures about that time of month when I would have my period.
I always used to have them a few days before period. But after menopause, the hormones go all haywire, and I have had my first couple in the afternoon/ evening after 10 years controlled.
Thankfully never went through menopause, from what a friend experienced, pleased I didn't.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member well I just got schooled!! Thanks for the information. I never knew there was a male equivalent. It is interesting 🤔 that you were affected in the same way. Again, many thanks. ☺️
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