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I Am On Keppra 1500mg And Lacosamide 150 Mg Twice A Day, Still Getting Seizure. Is It Good To Shift To Organic Meds Like CBD Oil Etc?

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Brampton, ON. Canada

I am not satisfied with my present neurologist, what should I do?

April 1, 2023
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A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I was on the same combination over 5 years ago which eventually caused me to lose my job of nearly 30 years, I started having absence seizures which some made me aggressive (Keppra Rage) a neurologist at a public hospital kept changing my medication/s and put me on Keppra. I went to see an Epilepsy specialist privately who took me off Keppra and put me back on Phenobarb.

February 21
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Good move, looking for a second opinion. I strongly disliked my first neurologist (a mutual feeling), and he had me overdosing on Keppra (2500mg 2x per day) when I got to my *then* new neurologist in Seattle. With his help, I was able to get off the Vimpat, (which is 1k per refill without insurance) in exchange for Oxcarbezapine, which I experience almost no side effects from apart from it depleting my sodium, and helped lower the Keppra so I'm not a raging b**** anymore. In a few years, I want to try again to get off of it, but my body is addicted to it. Something else to consider. Best of luck to your in your search for better care and treatment.❤️

February 11
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A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I'm not happy with my neurologist and asked my GP for a 2nd opinion. This has now been granted and I hope to see another neurologist in the next few months.

February 7
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I am no longer on any meds and take CDB:CBG regularly. My seizures have gone from once a month to once every three months!! I had heard of this but never really "believed" CBD could work for me. Until I started taking it for pain, in high doses to get off my prescription of 750mg naproxen and Xanax for pain as needed.. (crazy, right!?!) and noticed I hadn't had a seizure in over 2 months! Just like the pain meds, I need high doses of things. Weed and CBD in order for it to have an effect. Sleep is key, meditation keeps me aligned and the CBD's keep my parasympathetic nervous system regulated.

January 23
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Keppra side effects where awful for me! I'm on Zonisamide 200mg and love it!

January 23

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Arthur, IL

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A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Salt Lake City, UT


A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Winnipeg, MB
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