Does Anyones Eyes Hurt After Having A Seizure?
I can always tell when I have a seizure because it feels like I was rubbing my eyes on the carpet. It normally feels like this all day. Does this happen to anyone else? Does anyone know why this happens?
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member 3000 mgs sounds insane. A lot of us are on several medications and will never be 100% seizure free. Remember that sometimes the side effects can be worse than the seizures themselves and it might not be worth it. The way I see it is I would rather feel semi normal every day and like SHIT every once and a while after a seizure, then like SHIT EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Good luck Ronda bc it will be your own journey. I would recommend listening to your intuition NOW. YOU KNOW WHAT'S BEST. YOUR BODY KNOWS!! Don't let the Dr bully you. Listen to yourself.
Thanks. I've been studying since I was six. Certain taji forms really help me especially if I have the "aura"onset. Been able to ride through that and not have an actual seizure with them
Sometimes everything hurts or I just am so tired. I want to rest forever it seems. I'm light sensitive all the time and it causes me pain too.
The intensity of the headaches after seizures makes the eyes hurt. Sleep for me seems the best medicine for this still.
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