Does Anyone Take Keppra And Have Vivid Dreams And You Feel Like You Had A Seizure In Your Sleep Caused By The Dream
I just had my dose increased and the answer to your question is yes. My dreams are vivid and really weird.
These dreams usually give me fast pounding heartbeat and anxiety sweat whenever i wake up because it feels so real. Like if in that dream i am so scared or sad because of something, it feels so real that when i wake up, it takes me a couple of mins to get out of those but my heart is thumping so hard and fast, takes awhile for it to calm down. I cant ever sleep in peace anymore. Epilepsy?? Or meds?? Whats causing this??
I dont know about keppra, but i am on vimpat right now and the dreams are always intense ans vivid. I wake up in sweats from the anxiety i get in the dreams because they seen so real. This happens everynight or EVERYTIME i sleep. So i dont know if this is caused by having epilepsy or the medication.
Your lucky
I have really crazy weird dreams... like when a cat has puppies...a male cat...stuff that makes no sense and will never happen! I wake up saying what the hell?! Lol but never anything scary or bad just funny and weird is all.
I Have Right Temporal Lobe Epilepsy And I'm Currently On Vimpat. Anybody Out There Have Vivid Or Weird Dreams?
Odd/Humorous Dreams?