Who Wears An ID Medical Epilepsy Bracelet?
I do not wear one, but I do keep looking for one for myself to wear. however I keep backing out and do not want everyone to see what I have to suffer with and what illness I have etc to strangers.
I do struggle at accepting my epilepsy and I always will hide it from people.
Does it make you feel comfortable wearing one? for those that have one. is it worth getting one?
Me I wear a steel one.
I now have a braclet.
Wish shopping is a good cheap place to find a medical id of any kind. Lots of different types to choose from too.
It all depends on how well you can accept the epilepsy you have. I have had epilepsy since i was 18 months old. Didn't start wearing a bracelet until i was 16 years old. Figured it was time to get used to my life change. The more people know of the bracelet, the easier it will be i can get assistance when i have one.
I don't wear one but I will be getting one. I am going to get a very pretty medical id bracelet. If I am alone in public and have seizure I want 911 to know I have epilepsy.
Does Anyone Wear A Medical ID Bracelet?
Medical ID Jewelry
How To Get A Seizure Bracelet