Weird Feeling
I woke up as normal. Walked our dogs, make my husband his shake, did a few dishes, some laundry, took a shower, got ready for work, then suddenly got hot, dizzy, started shaking, got emotional, felt shaking inside, weird feeling, laid down, woke up with a horrible migraine. Is this normal? Is it symptoms of some type of seizure?
Thats usually how i feel right before or during. You probably prevented or had some type of little activity. Rest and sleep help. Best wishes to you
My auras began like that, hot out of nowhere, dizziness and then my vision begins to fade. Resting and cold water helps and maybe listening to some calming music.
Do Any Of You Get This Weird Feeling Like I Just Don’t Want To Be Alone…. A Looming Feeling?
Neuropathy? How Does It Feel For Anyone Else?
Are The Deja Vu Sensations A Seizure?