Health System
Въпросът ми е към всички. Как е организирана здравната система при вас.Чета за здравни застраховки. Кой ги прави и какво покриват?Аз ще ви разкажа в България как е, ако не дте чували?
For me, I worked as an accountant for over 35 years. Then as a result of a car accident, I developed seizures gradually, until I was unable to work. I received my social security which is a benefit that older people receive, 65 and older. I prove disabled, I received it earlier.
We'd like to know what you have to share Goro.
Can you write that in English please?
I can’t read this question I’m sorry??
Това ми е въпросът.. България се плащат здравни задължение на база заплата. Доколкото знам при вас лечението се покрива от здравна застраховка
How the state helps in the treatment of epilepsy. Does a doctor prescribe free or discounted drugs?
Does Epilepsy Effects Your Immune System?
So I Was Told By Someone Years Ago That The Medical Treatment In Scotland 🏴 Is Free There For Everyone No Matter What 😮
Mental Health Among Epileptics