I Want To Do Something Crazy To Bring Awareness To Epilepsy. Any Suggestions? I’m Open To All.
I agree with that it would be better if more people know about it,when I go into public and I’ve had quite a few seizures and worse thing is that calling ambulance but most of the time they call the police aswell thinking I’m off my head with drugs and alcohol on the ground 😰but I’m still here living with epilepsy and cancer aswell and just taking each day by day and enjoying 👍🏈🏈🏈👍
I'm just being totally honest. I don't wait until someone or something might cause questions. If I'm going to be with people for a while I just say I'm epileptic, no more. Most people just accept it, a few ask what they should do if I had a seizure. I just give them the basics, no drama, just as if it's like arthritis or COPD. No one seems frightened or anything. I think the more people you tell in a calm, everyday way, more people will accept it without fear or nervousness.
The craziest part of this was the diagnosis testing for the first year. To follow a patient during this time and the results, trying to find the correct medication plans, random seizures, learning about triggers, emotional challenges, new limitations such as driving or even working and for sure the challenges of trying to get financial assistance through disability for epilepsy but being denied as it’s not “seen” as a disability.
Idk if this can be achieved through a documentary but it would be very interesting to see it through someone else’s eyes and perspective. Within a year of experiencing this I think it will help others to see what living with epilepsy really means.
Well, for one you can speak to anyone and everyone. I take the bus, go to the art museum, go for a walk. I come across anyone I speak about my epilepsy an they speak with me about a person they know who has epilepsy.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member that is why i work with kids... to spread awareness at a young age.
New Epilepsy Campaign, Name Ideas For It Please?
Does Anyone On Here Suffer From Tardive Dyskinesia?
As For Mantel Post About Epilepsy, That Is A Good? I've Seen Quite A Few Other Things And Such Etc, For Other Illnesses And Such Etc, More