Have You Tried Medical Marihuana?
I have had seizures since I was 16 years old, and now I am 54. I believe that medications have affected me in many ways besides memory problems, I have a lot of anxiety and paranoia. I have even thought on quitting my job because of how bad anxiety has gotten. I have taken lemotragine for decades now. I am tired of doctors saying to me that lemotragine is a mood stabilizer. Do not know what to do to control my anxiety. I have been thinking in medical marihuana but they tell me that will affect… read more
Thank you
No, I've heard of it and may work for others, which is good and their call, I am ok with my meds, my answer
No, there are various types of anticonvulsants for each of the epileptic seizure types. The real problems when you have one of the Epilepsy Syndromes because the Lennox-Gastaut syndrome just got its very first anticonvulsant this year after decades of no viable treatment option for them.
Your neurologist should have switched after a few years of seeing no success in getting you to a long-term seizure free state with Lamotrigine and tried another. I was on Tegretol( and its generic: Carbamazepine for 24 years with my first 2 neurologists before I got a neurologist at Brigham and Women's Hospital (Boston) who told me exactly what I just said for what my neurologists should have been doing during those 24 years. In my case, my first local neurologist was stripped of his knowledge by Alzheimer's before he could switch. And a pharmacist's error should have killed me on May 31, 2003 followed by a series of errors by my first neurologist (because of Alzheimer's), but God performed a miracle to keep me alive.
And I had to endure my 2nd neurologist from June 2005 - July 28, 2021 because I had no other option until my older sister said she would take a day off of work (elementary school teacher) on any day necessary in order to get me to any appointment with a neurologist in Boston. In less than a year after I started with Dr Khoshkhoo as my neurologist at Brigham and Women's Hospital (Boston), he found the right combo of anticonvulsants to get me to a long-term seizure free state. My last seizure was April 25, 2022.
Lamotrigine wil cause erectile dis function stop taking it and talk to your doctor
And I was not talking about a cure. If you go to the Resources section of the site you. Here is the link to marijuana on the site: https://www.myepilepsyteam.com/resources/medica...
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