Seizure Types
Epilepsy Foundation and everything else always say that there are about 40 different types of seizures. I know around 10. What are the other 30?...Unless I'm just being completely confused.
Yes there are different types of sezuires and it's hard to keep up with them due to the fact that they also started naming them the most common type differently it's also extremely important to find out about your family history I personally found out my sezuires are a genetic problem took me 13yrs to finally know.
I think there are about 7-10 different types then you get a lot of sub-variants from then on which is where the number suddenly shoots up.
I think that there are many types and names for them, I have had my condition since 7, grand mal, petty mal, absent one, and etc, I don't worry about that no more, I sometimes briefly go over the years of the medical rollercoaster I was on, and made it, still have my condition and seizures, but a seizure is a seizure to me,it does not matter, I learned to accept the condition I have and live with, sometimes it is a bummer, but I handle it as I do, I think that they are more ok with than before, I am cool with that in my life with. My opinion
Marguerite I'm happy for you that Keppra is working unfortunately for me it hasn't worked but it's good to know it's helping someone.
Iām just going to stick with the 3
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