How Much Is Known About Connections Between Migraine And Epilepsy?
Having been a migraine sufferer for nearly 50 years, I wonder if the recent onset of epilepsy has anything to do with the fact that I no longer have violent pain but still have a lot of the feelings that accompanied a migraine. I used to regularly take time-out (usually 24-48hrs) but for a couple of years now its no longer the case. I wonder if these seizures (knocking me out for a day or two) have replaced the migraine - or have been caused by it?
When I had seizures I had bad migraines that would last a couple of days. Before I had brain surgery I was thinking that the migraines would stop. Today I still have migraines mainly on the left side of my head. I just found out that the knumbness on the left side of my head is normal because my brain is still healing from the surgery I had in 1990.
I get horrible migraines to the point I throw up my Neurologist says that has to do with my seizures. But I don’t understand how myself.
The migraines I get are a precursor to my seizures. Always go to emergency or urgent care after being knocked out for a few days as a brain injury could have occurred.
That is a good question. If you have neurologist I suggest you discuss it with them. It makes sense and I do not know. I'm glad the pain has stopped.
Best wishes
This is what my neurologist told me a well
My Neurologist Says Migraines, Hormones, And Seizures Are NOT Connected. What Do You Think?
Simple Partal & Auras Whats The Diffence?
Connection Between Migraine And Epilepsy