Correlation Between Seizures, Meds, And Nightmares
I have bad, vivid nightmares. Are these related to my anticonvulsant? Or my se
I have a few, I think it's a combo of things, my meds, condition and age etc, It happens now and then, but not a prob,
Not sure about seizure, but AEDs can have the side effect of making you ( me ) have strange dreams . I’ve been on one that made me dream 2-4 dreams a night
Hopefully you can get in a smooth pattern again.sometimes you might get a bump in the road.goid luck have a goid week
Horror or scary movies don't bother me, but they aren't my genre, as I usually watch comedies or dramas. I haven't had nightmares or seizures in years, then had a nocturnal seizure 2 wks ago, and then last night a vivid nightmare. Woke me up. When I got back to sleep I went right back into the same dream. I've been watching comedies, sitcoms, and maybe one funny Christmas movie. I really can't link it to anything unless it's my new med the neurologist added, Keppra. Very sedating.
Can Scary, Bad Or Nightmares Dreams Cause Seizures?
I Have Right Temporal Lobe Epilepsy And I'm Currently On Vimpat. Anybody Out There Have Vivid Or Weird Dreams?