Is There A Specific Name Of Sleeping Siezures? The One That Happens When Your Sleep?..
Yes! I knew that I just forget a lot thank you so much! Have a great night
I have primarily nocturnal seizures only. Thank god I am already in bed while having a seizure, the safest place to be!! Mine usually occur in the transition moments from Theta brainwave state to waking Alpha vibration. Sometimes they happen about 20 or so minutes AFTER getting out of bed. Once I spilled a VeRY hot cup of coffee down my arm while having a tonic clonic seizure. That really, ReeEeaLLY hurt!!! Happy that I usually don't fall and risk hitting my head cause most the time I'm already laying down
Id like to say 90% of my seizures are in bed, other 10% is random. So no worries, it's a regular thing.
When I first had seizures I was always asleep. Now I only get them when I'm awake. I'm by myself all day so I try not to walk. From all the seizures it has weakened my right leg. Funny story, My husband took me out to a reasurant and I was sitting down and all of a sudden I was having a bad seizure. When I was finished having my seizure I looked up and the waiters had brought me about six glasses of water. They didn't know what to do. Everyone was starring and me so when I left the table I told people there don't eat the chicken. 😆
How Do You Know You Have Had A Seizure In Your Sleep If You Don't Wake Up Or Have Any Other Signs?
Does People Have Seizures In Their Sleep?
Noctornal Sezuires And Changes