Longer Seizure Free Duration Is Considered Good And Stable?
I used to be worried about longer seizure free duration, although longer duration is considered stable, but as I am medication resistant analysed by my neurologist, please share thoughts. Thanks
AnwarAhmad, I think the longer you are seizure free, the more stable your disease is! On the other hand, neurological instability is when we have more seizure's. I am on the last combination that would control the seizures, so I am pretty hard to keep stable. Every moment seizure free is a blessing to me, because I’ve already lost too many brain cells to this disease. Happy 2024!
I feel a longer seizure-free duration is good. I believe it gives our brains some time to recover from the last seizure or just rest so we can just be ourselves, which is just a person who has seizures just like people who may have high blood pressure.
I have achieved the 3rd which is 1 month. I have previously achieved having no seizures for three months so my goal is to not have a seizure for four months or longer
Hi Anwar,
This is what I've read in medical reviews of epilepsy. There are 6 goals initially in fighting seizures. The first goal is stop seizures for 24 hrs. The second goal is 1 week, The 3rd is 1 month. The 4th is 1 yr. The 5th is 5 yrs (I'm at 7yrs, 2 months!) . And finally, the 6th goal is to achieve seizure freedom for 10 yrs. This marks an excellent achievement!! It may prompt (but does NOT guarantee) your Epileptologist to consider reducing, or stopping (very slowly) someone from taking their prescribed medicine.
You as well, have a happy new year and merry Christmas, hang in there and try and stay pos, my opinion
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