When Taking Depakote And Keppra If I Forget To Take It My Medication Should I Go Ahead And Take It No Matter What The Time?
@Dary12 , If it is almost time for your next dose then it’s best to skip the missed dose & take your next dose when it’s time because you don’t want to take 2 doses of pills at once. Many people on this site have an exact time that they take their pills. I don’t. I just basically refer to my meds as my Morning pills & Night pills & have them in a weekly pill holder, one for the morning & one for the night. I try to take my medicine about 8 hours apart & make sure to eat something before I take them. Sometimes for different reasons I’ve taken my morning pills in the late afternoon but it’s better than not at all & it would be a good while before I took my night medicine & so I take it. I don’t have to take my meds at an exact time. But you might want to make sure you have st least 6 to 8 hours in between doses & that way you don’t necessarily overdose on your meds. Hope this helps some. Your friend in Texas, Becky
Thank you for your advice Becky.😊
Don't ever double the dose.just take your regular schedule. Now if your not close to the next dose and remember ok. I have a 12 hr schedule, so I take at 10am and 10pm if I miss I try to take by 1 or 2 pm. If not I'll wait. But the best response is by a Neurologist
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member Alot of people always argue about this, I'm not sure whether it's a case-by-base thing or whether it just depends on what meds you take. A lot of people always say they get advised to take the next dose regardless of how late it is, then others get told they are better off to skip it. If it was me I would ask the specialist because I don't think it's the same for everyone.
I would say to take the next recommended dose whether you take it in the morning, afternoon, or evening (nighttime, bedtime). I take my seizure medications as prescribed which they say every ten to twelve hours. One of them I do take is Levetiracetam (generic form of Keppra) and Lacosamide (generic form of Vimpat). If I forget the morning, then I would take it in the evening. I don't want to overdose, because it's too much medicine in the body all at once.
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