What Kind Of Tea Is Safe For Folks With Seizures?
I don't have a prob with tea, my seizures happen time to time, I think also it's different per person my opinion
Thanks you all - great info. I used to make ginger tea and for some reason stopped. Probably forgot like I do so much …
It's one of those questions that is hard to answer. Like medication what works well for some doesn't for others.
Brenda, I am with you and do my best to have fun with it. With your daughter I'm sorry to learn of her migraines. I've never had one and I know they can be awful. My best for a solution with them.
Irene, it doesn’t bother me like it does my daughter. I get tickled at times because like you, I enjoy those movies, books, etc that I can do all over again! I did forget that as a 10 yr old she had the classic complicated-migraine and at the time the doc didn’t diagnose correctly. She is 34 now. Like me she has always experienced regular migraines. She, however has had the “complicated” ones occasionally. Yuk.
What Type Of Seizure Is This?
Does Anyone Ever Cry After Seizures?
Have You Ever?