Anyone Else Use The Seizure Detector Watch?
I'm only just over a year of having epilepsy and I have a family member who wants to buy me a watch that detects seizures and she says lets people know you are having them. I guess insurance covers some of the cost? Anyone try one before? any luck? thanks
Never needed that....if someone can't tell that I'm having a seizure they need to open their eyes.
I'd love to find out for my son I never knew they had that
I am new here and have never heard of one but I too would like more info on one. I am looking into a watch that if you fall it sends a signal to a family member that you have fallen.
I think that i haven't had one, that may be something to look into for yourself, do some research on here and other places and ask your doc then go from there, my opinion
I have not heard of it. Interesting, it may be a great help. Today my occupational therapist mentioned to me about service dogs that are for epileptic people. I'm interested. Apparently they can sense when your off even when you don't notice it.
Seizure Wristband Detectors
A Wrist Watch That Warns A Person When That Person Is Having A Seizure?
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