Does Anyone Recognize That They Have Had A Seizure But Not Realized It But Someone Told Them They Had ? But They Knew They Was Really Weak ?
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
I never have a clue after I have a seizure. I can be really busy and have a seizure. As soon as I’m back aware I get right back to whatever I was doing and won’t even know I had a seizure.
My entire body shakes, especially my right arm. I can't control anything that is happening to me and I try very hard. I just wait until it's done. In the past, I used to go unconscious. But I believe ( 🙏 prayerfully) I have progressed.
I'm glad you're ok
I just was informed of me having a seizure a while ago and wasn't even aware of it happening,i had no idea, my opinion, I don't know when, but I am ok,
I don't realize I've just had a weird seizure, but people tell me afterwards what has happened/ what I did and how long it lasted! I usually didn't notice anything had happened!? I have a gazing/ djv seizure for about 10-15 minutes! Very odd! In front of a group of people while playing cards yesterday. One minute we were playing cards and the next minute they were checking I was OK- insisting they'd give me a ride home. I usually bus home coz I can't drive due to my regular seizures!
University Of NM
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