Mostly At Night, I Will Black Out And Have Difficulty Recalling What Happened That Day. It Does Come Back Eventually. Absence Seizures?
And they may need to adjust your dose or switch you completely. Keppra is definitely a go to drug for many seizure types. So is zonigram. That doesn't mean it works for everyone. If you feel like it's not working always speak up. You know your body and brain better than anyone.
As an eeg tech, RMA and epileptic I would say it's an absence seizure with a deja vu aura. It sounds like a temporal lobe seizure which could be a complex partial. Mine started out as absences then grew into complex partial. But like I said I don't diagnose but as a tech we can tell the kind of seizure by the kind of activity your brain is having. And at night your brain is very active so it may just be a nocturnal seizure.
So no one can diagnose this for you based off of that description. It could be many different seizures. We don't know what your body is doing or anything. Best way to tell is an eeg and MRI. Have you seen or talked to a neurologist yet?
Thank you so much! Still searching for answers. Not happy to be on keppra but if it helps I’ll just suck it up! Just hope they don’t get worse. Thanks again!
Yes I have. I am under the care of a neurologist. She did the original diagnosis a couple of years ago and prescribed keppra. It’s only recently that a pattern has started to emerge. Originally it was very short auras and deja vu incidents. Thank you
Mostly At Night, I Will Black Out And Have Difficulty Recalling What Happened That Day. It Does Come Back Eventually. Absence Seizures?
Mostly At Night, I Will Black Out And Have Difficulty Recalling What Happened That Day. It Does Come Back Eventually. Absence Seizures?
Mostly At Night, I Will Black Out And Have Difficulty Recalling What Happened That Day. It Does Come Back Eventually. Absence Seizures?