Has Anyone Here Been On Ontozry/cenobamate. What Were Your Experiences
I was seizure free for 4-6 months! A lot have been seizure free I wish you the best!
Thanks guys. Sorry to hear that Toni. I'm currently on 24mg. A bit early to tell how it's working but I've been seizure free for a few weeks now. Just needed to reduce my fycompa as was so drowsy on it
I take 1 tablet 200 mgs...
I'm taking Cenobamate. It helps..no problems..
I was under on 300 cenbomate. They had me take Neuropsych tests! I was under control for 4 months! I went to memory clinic ! The Neurologist was assessing me for Memory problems. She asked if I was having seizures. My voice kept getting jarbled. I was confused then normal. She said you’re toxic and started me on Briviac! I am more alert! Lowered cenbomate! Put me on. 48 EEG monitor and said you are having seizures! Briviac I am alert! I was grateful meeting her !