Does Anyone Know What Its Suppposed To Feel Like Right Before You Have A Seizure? All Of Mine Have Been In My Sleep Except For The Last Two.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member,
Hi, Everyone is different with Auras. (Peti-mal seizures).
Not everyone has them.
Take me for instance, I get strange smells, (I used to work in a hospital) Sometimes I smell isopropyl, alcohol, other times I smell smoke, like from a campfire, or stinky dead fish.
Sometimes I get dizzy before seizure or have a small headache.
Most of the time I don’t even have an aura before a seizure,
It really depends on the person.
If you’re having strange things happen like a smell, a taste, hearing things that are not there. Even hallucinations can be an aura.
Not to put any of the stuff in your head. Just stating that there are different ways to have an Aura.
Some people get a rising feeling in their stomach like they’ve been on a roller coaster. Some people vomit, or feel like they’re going to faint. There are many different things that can happen.
I encourage you to write down the way you feel either in a Journal book, or on an app that you know that you can remember to take to your neurologist or doctor.
Log everything. When I’m say everything I mean everything. If you have questions, write them down And take them to your doctor. It’s too easy to forget what you Might want to ask
You can also look up information on these websites:
I hope this helps. Have a wonderful seizure free day, night, evening.
Everyone is different and each seizure is different. Sometimes I get a warning such as a flashing red light in my head, a funny feeling in my stomach or just the need to sit down. Other times there’s no warning at all. The seizures also vary in length and sensation based on where they start in your brain. Just pay attention to your body. It’ll tell you what’s going on so you can act accordingly
I experience weird smells sometimes too. I never thought to connect it with seizures.
I don’t have any forms of warning signs that a seizure is coming. I can go into a seizure and come out, continuing with what I was doing before. If a family or friend witnessed me having one , they would alert me about it.
I'm the same
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