How Do You Deal With The Massive Adrenaline Dump Following A Seizure Or 2 Or 3 In A Row?
My new Epileptologist does not recommend Ativan which has worked very well.
I was on Ativan but it didn't help much. So my Dr. put me on these Klonopin wafers. They melt under your tongue and magic, bye-bye anxiety! She also has me take one if I feel a seizure coming on and it can stop it if you catch it early enough. Good luck 💜.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member , A few years ago when I had a really bad anxiety attack & we didn’t know what was going on, we went to the hospital & they gave me Ativan & it helped to calm me down & I had a few more attacks that week & my Mom had to help give them to me during those attacks. The Ativan made me tired though. It worked great for me, it just made me tired. But I only took it for those Anxiety attacks. I don’t know anything about long term use of Ativan. Your friend in Texas, Becky
It can be used as a rescue med in some cases ask the Dr which rescue med you should carry make sure that you have information that will tell EMT'S on you
Ativan was used to stop one of mine in the ER
I'm on the same, but it's the name brand clonazepam. I only take one before bedtime as it's an anti-convulsant, unlike Valium or Xanax or lorazapam. It helps me to sleep, and not twitching and jerking all night waking me up. Then she took me off levetiracetam (Keppra) and I take CBD oil (she tells me the dosage and everything). All seizure meds are bad. Terrible side effects, I'm proof of that!!! Topomax and topiramate. That one began clouding my eyes like cataracts. At first she wanted me to try medical marijuana, but I hated the feeling. CBD oil works wonderfully! Not to mention, I no longer feel overwhelmed or very tired or in a haze, etc. She called my neurosurgeon and told him she's changing me to CBD oil (the best kinds are at dispensaries! Epilepsy isn't curable. However, I rarely have tonic-clonic ones much less, and learned yoga and meditation. Also, I made sure which triggers affect me, (sleep deprivation, and stress are the two main triggers. I got out a journal to keep track of my seizures, the type, and if I'd been under a lot of stress, or bouts of insomnia. We have to take serious care of what I did, ate, or not enough sleep that are triggering one. It's VERY helpful to your neurologist in determining what is causing them. I wish you the best; and you need to talk with your neurologist about your journal and give clonazepam and CBD oil a try.
Maureen Bestenlehner
My Son Had A Few Seizures Maybe 4 Only Around 5 Years Ago And Now He Is 15 And Has A Seizure Each Month Always In The Morning
My Son Had A Few Seizures Maybe 4 Only Around 5 Years Ago And Now He Is 15 And Has A Seizure Each Month Always In The Morning
Does Anyone Get Hot Then Freezing And Back To Hot After A Seizure?