I Looked Into It. I Do Not Cook At All. There Are Companies That Provided The Diet For You, But My Insurance Would Not Cover It.
I have what are now called Partial Awareness Seizures. The woman i lived with was not willing to cook a meal for herself and another for me.
They are still looking for appropriate places. Where I live is not anywhere as expensive. I do not know if the Epileptologist wants to change things, because if pay atentipn to Triggers, I am good.
Any meals they bring would not be Ketogenic. I would not have room for or be allowed an Air Fryer.
That is a bill, and my Conservator is supposed to pay them. However, the Health Insurance covers all medications, premiums, co pays etc. I also have some $$ for over the counter items like toothpaste. It can also pay for food. My Epileptologist and I have an appointment in May. I could bring it up then. If I end up in Assisted living eventually, they will do all the cooking, administer medications etc. There will be medical people there, which could help some.
Check with your local meals on wheels and there might be another on in your area that brings meals to elderly and disabled
US Healthcare For People With Epilepsy
My Insurance Does Not Cover The Diet. Another Person Unwilling To Cook 2 Meals.
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